Friday, August 01, 2003

Following up on previous post, and no longer distracted by dolphin brain experiments, I have moved on to predetermination of your babies sex. Or how to have a boy. This stems from a conversation I had recently with my lovely wife (just banter - alright already!), and continued at lunchtime today.

The core issue here is that male sperm are fast swimmers, but run out of steam quickly. They are also the first sperm to be produced after ejaculation (Fact®).

Sooo. To make a boy, you will need:

1 x Ejaculation, daily, alone, for three days.
1 x Ovulation
1 x Deep penetration (dirty sex works just as well here)

Wait 5 minutes (pillow helps)

Congrats! A boy.

Variants on the reciepe include:

1 x Baking power douche everyday of the fertile week (ouch!)
1 x Douching with either vinegar water or Coke before sexual intercourse (eek!)
1 x Increasing your Testosterone levels
1 x Throwing your pants on the left bed post

Other indicators/theories can be found at:

The Chinese Birth Sex Chart
The Old Wives Birth Sex Chart

Now you know the facts. Go make boys.

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