Wednesday, September 08, 2004

Pet Hates Continued – C.S.I: Dublin Style

[Inside of suburban train, two dead bodies wrapped in embrace. A third body is hanging upright from the overhead rack. Pretty young junior forensic, Jenny Swish, is taking lots of photos from different angles. In walks Chief CSI Detective Joseph “Joe” Johnson. He leaves his sunglasses on]

Joe bends down on his hands and knees to talk to his subordinate

Joe: What is the situation?
Jenny: Looks like severe trauma to the head, caused by a blunt instrument.
Joe: Any idea what?
Jenny: Looks like a book, Joe!
Joe [wrinkles brow]: A book? Any idea of motive?
Jenny: Looks like they were making out.
Joe: Kissing on an early commuter train! Probably sent some regular traveller over the edge. Battered them to death with his book.
Jenny: Had some hard words with them, huh Joe?

[Joe walks over to the hanging body, dance music is audible through the earphones, still in his ears. He talks to his pathologist, a middle aged pretty black woman, Loretta Banks.]

Joe [hands on hips]: What about this guy?
Loretta: Strangled on his earphones.
Joe: And then he placed the earphones back in his ears. This guy was out to prove a point
Loretta [Upset – talking to the corpse]: You poor baby, killed for playing your music too loud.
Joe [Talking to himself]: Looks like someone on this train couldn’t wait until their stop!
Loretta: Sorry Joe?
Joe [Talking to camera]: Looks like these three have reached their destination!
Loretta: Joe?
Joe [Talking to floor]: Our guy is obviously off the rails!

[Joe walks out of the train, takes off his sunglasses and squints in the sun. You are left knowing that he is going to get his guy, and moralise him to death in the process]

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