Tuesday, December 07, 2004

The badly drawn fire safety manual

What to do in event of fire? Follow this badly drawn guide.

Say you work on the top floor of a four story building shaped like a horseshoe with an atrium in the middle, how would you get out?

1. Take the stairs

Verdict: Good. You’re out. Let’s make things harder.

2. There is a fire on the ground floor exits are blocked. Take the lift?

Verdict: Bad. You are stuck in the lift and probably dead.

3. Don’t panic

Verdict: Good. Very Douglas Adams, but you need a clear head to escape this towering inferno, and Steve McQueen isn’t going to help you.

4. To the roof?

Verdict: Good. Break the glass and take the steps to the roof. Follow the arrows on to the neighbouring roof, and slide down a handy awning to safety

5. But the roofs on fire?

Verdict: You’re fucked. Ring your loved ones, Break glass and jump.

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