Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Physical Therapy

As part of the swimming I went to a physical therapist (N.B not physiotherapist, different discipline - no machines, all manipulation). Having never been to one before, I found him an interesting professional guy and he told me some stuff I didn't know about myself and that I am going to mangle into idiot speak here.

  • I have flat feet. I should start wearing insoles
  • My arm flexibility is lousy
  • My shoulders are slightly rounded, but not so bad
  • My knees have some wear and tear, nothing too traumatic
  • My leg flexibility is good
  • Minimum for any stretch is 30 seconds. Nothing less
  • No neck, back, spine issues to report

    Now, to contradict what I said above, when I first started training I gave myself a back injury. Very sore then, not sore now (niggles occasionally when I oversleep). Never did anything about it, it got better and doesn't stop me training. Told this guy, he wasn't worried. He poked around till he found it (Here? No. Here? No. Here? ARRRRRGHHHH). He still wasn't worried, something (not the term he used) isn't rotating properly (not spine?) causing the muscle to spasm. A soft tissue massage and nightly stretches will have me sorted out in no time.

    This is excellent stuff. What a great guy, remind me to seek out a physical therapist when I have a problem in the future.

    Final bill of health?
    Looking good CM. Looking good.
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