Thursday, March 24, 2005

Baby Books TBP

Fascist book

From inside:

“Make sure not to have your baby circumcised. Otherwise, this could lead to major problems in later life when your child is in the communal showers after a particularly vigorous march against the rights of single mothers. The foreskin is a potent symbol of fascism and any able-bodied brown shirted male should be able to fit at least three marbles under the dermal hood. If problems with the foreskin should occur, it should be drilled into your child from an early age not to reveal his dirty little secret to anybody and that he should overcompensate when participating in a tramp beating. A prosthetic-penis or plastic surgery could also be considered.

If the baby is born with any colour hair that is not blond, make sure the scalp is shaved daily. Blond can be worn with pride (but not too much pride), but only if kept closely cropped. All other hair should not be allowed grow more then one centimetre. I once was called into a house where the baby’s black hair was let grow to shoulder length. I was forced to trim the baby’s hair to the scalp with a Swiss-army knife. The baby is a lot more content now, and the scars are healing nicely.”


“Little Benito was banned from church by the age of eight, we couldn’t have done it with out you” – Alessandro Mussolini

“I could have survived with it” – Eva Braun

“A lovely primer. P.S Thanks for the reference” – Enid Blyton

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