Tuesday, June 22, 2004

Star parts

I was watching a reality TV show recently where a crew follows around a group of hopefuls as they try to make it in Hollywood. I can’t remember its name, but I’ll watch it if it comes on again.

It provided a moment of high comedy. An ingénue was in an audition for a role. It became apparent that she was putting herself forward for a role in some sort of space opera.

Two people were involved in the vignette; the director and the would-be starlet.

The director explained the setup.
“You’re angry, imagine he’s on the ground, deliver your line and kick him.”
“What's my motivation?”
“You’re angry.”

The girl then stomps around the stage, and before she comes to deliver the blow she stops.

“I don’t want to kick him. What’s my motivation?”
“He’s just destroyed your home planet, you’re angry. Kick him!”

The hopeful pauses to think about this.

“I think I’d negotiate.”

We find out next week if she got the part.

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