Thursday, October 07, 2004

What brings you here? And other thoughts.

I don’t normally write “diarising” bLogs. Mostly I get up, go to work, eat at various times during the day, go home, sleep. During this cycle I have various relationships with my wife, co-workers, family. This may seem monotonous, but life is pretty good.

Repeat until dead.

Here is an account of my last two days, with some heavy editorialising. My spell checker seems determined to turn editorialising into demoralization; good start.

I decided to google for the names of people I know, past and present. A few good hits, nothing (new) for myself, and one gem for this girl called Deirdre. She wrote a SF short story that won an award. From here on in she’ll be known as “That Bitch.” Deirdre if you are reading this, I only half mean this. Bitch. I am of course green with envy.

My major problem with actual web diaries is that are very exclusionist. If you want to write about Jim and Gerry and Sinead and Suz and Amo and That Bitch, I might as well have a private diary that only they can read. Public blogs should be reserved for opinion. At least, that’s my opinion.

I mailed Deirdre (after eight years of silence). She says she is going to mail me her story. I also mailed her the address to this bLog. I hope that she takes That Bitch as a sincere form of envy, but I can’t be sure. Maybe she won’t read this far and will think that I am a two-faced dick and fade into the background for another eight years. Time will tell.

This led me to LiveJournal where TB (is this joke getting tired?) has her bLog. LiveJournal has the facility to make some posts private, some public. I signed up, but lack the will to transfer this bLog anywhere else. I shall delete my account tomorrow. I don’t like handles or pseudonyms anyway. Society is already geared enough to robbing you of your individuality and any opinions I express are now going to be under my real name. Any personal freedoms are just placebos to let you pretend that you have a choice; handles, dress, hair etc. are ultimately meaningless in terms of impact upon society. I am learning to accept this.

This is may be a pessimistic attitude, but I am not sad. At all.

I went commenting on other people’s blogs. Personally abusing Al (another person you mightn’t know) for not letting me comment, and commenting on his girlfriend’s site. Basically I was being a troll.

I did a lot of work, now I am going on a team night out. I tidied some of the house. I bought a 2 minute airbed that takes 10 minutes to inflate properly. I read some of my book. I got about fifteen clues in the cryptic crossword. I added a tag-board to the sidebar, and removed the forum.

I went looking at houses, we decided not to buy. I went to my parents house, had dinner and moved all the furniture out of the sitting-room so it can be re-carpeted.

I wrote this bLog. Now I know why I don’t diarise normally, hopefully you do too.

And what brings you here? My IP referrer tells me you are a pervert and you’ve coming looking for images of Samantha Mumba.

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