Thursday, May 18, 2006

B-Movie Life

It started the way all these things start.

Sinéad and I were sitting on the couch watching the end of Pretty in Pink. James Spader plays the bad guy (Steff) and Sinéad says that he could play the role of John in the movie of his life.

Not a bad choice. This lead to the conversation on who would play me in the movie of my brother's life if he was played by James Spader. Obviously with James Spader playing my brother, especially in the title role, all the other actors cannot be A-Listers. It was an interesting twist on the who would play you in the movie of your life. I would have picked George Clooney a lá Syriana, but now that option was gone.

Anyway, Sin and I worked through the cast with much hilarity.
I now give you the cast of the movie of John's life, working title: "Pedigree"

(Apologies Sinead, Brigid and Conor K. I couldn't fit you on the first version of the poster. I will amend though.)

Pedigree Hum?


An Aaron Spelling Production
Directed by: Ang Lee

John James Spader
Karel Robin Wright Penn
Sarah Dakota Fanning
Dad Robert Redford
Mum Shirley McClane
Susan Helena Bonham Carter
Stephen Daniel Craig
Andrew Billy Zane
Conor Jason Lee

Also starring:

Sinead Shannen Doherty
Brigid Carrie-Anne Moss
Conor K Andrew McCarthy

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