Friday, May 19, 2006

Da Vinci Code

The Da Vinci Code is getting terrible reviews. What did people expect?
Here is an excerpt from the review on

"Long-haired Mr. Hanks and French-accented Tatou skedaddle across Europe, eluding gendarmes, escaping to a French chateau and jetting to London, all the while tracking clues and positing theories using their knowledge of history and Catholicism.

Tatou's childhood takes on added significance as the pair come to possess another Da Vinci treasure that implicates the Holy Grail, Da Vinci's The Last Supper and—gasp!—the very foundations of the Catholic Church. Without spoiling the twists, it involves Jesus and, broadly, it secularizes Catholicism.

This will not endear the movie, which counts on basic history knowledge, to the comic book crowd, who will not get it, and, conversely, Mr. Howard would have been branded a blasphemer even had he added hundreds of Vatican gift shop product placements."

Now this is complete gibberish, Everyone who's not a complete moron will get this movie.

Movie audiences can be seperated into two groups:

Those who thought Mission Impossible was complicated and hard to follow and those that didn't.

People in the latter group should stay indoors, away from sharp objects.
People in the former group should probably not watch the Da Vinci code, lest they rot thier brains.

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